Audience and stories analyses? Here's how with OwlStat!

How to connect your Instagram Business Insights to OwlStat

We know the importance of audience analyses on your favorite profiles, and for this reason we decided to integrate them in the most reliable way we could: through the official Instagram API. Through the Facebook login, you can have informations about your Instagram followers, such as:

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Locations
  • …and much more!

In order to do this, your account needs to be a Creator or Business profile, and you need to connect the Facebook page associated to it on OwlStat.

Let’s go!

Case 1: You signed up through Google or email

Go to the Settings page and select the tab Connected pages and click the button Login with Facebook

Case 2: You’re signing up through Facebook

Go to the Login page and select Login with Facebook**

For both case 1 and 2
  1. You will be redirected to Facebook, where you’ll be asked to confirm that is you 🤝

  2. Make sure you select all the Instagram profiles that you want to analyse on OwlStat. Only through this step, you’ll be able to obtain better insights! 🌐

  3. Remember to check also the Facebooks pages connected to the profiles 🔗

  4. Give to OwlStat the permission to analyse your profiles 📈

  5. Congrats! Your profiles are now connected. Continue to OwlStat and choose the profiles you want to add into OwlStat 🚀

Now you have access to Audience and Stories insights!
If you already connected with Facebook but you can’t find your profile, refer to this guide.